Refer & Earn

Affiliates & Partners


Earn up to 70% of what your referrals generate in revenue

So what are you waiting for? Get started today and refer new users to Hilafx!


Active traders are defined as new users that have performed live trades on our trading platform. Affiliate partner payouts are paid one hour after a trade is closed. This is to allow for all trade confirmations to clear and ensure that our partners always receive their correct payouts as quick as possible.

Partners that want to get started but have more questions are free to contact us at:

If you are looking to become an affiliate partner of HilaFX, it is important that you first get familiar with our affiliate agreement and the rules for solicitation. By doing so, you can ensure that you are in compliance with the HilaFX’s requirements and can avoid any potential issues.

HilaFX Partner Portal

Get a Comprehensive View of Your Business with Our Partner Dashboard, Including Income, Trading Statistics, Registrations, Deposits, and Withdrawals. Promote and Grow Your Business with Ease.

Dedicated partnership link
for sharing with friends, family & clients

Hourly payouts with robust reporting

Intuitive interface with link click stats, accusation numbers, & client activity